قائمة الطعام

النشاط البدني


Being active can make a big difference in how you feel, your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, your weight, and more! Start small and try these programs, videos, and other resources for help!

البرامج المتاحة

تحدث مع موظفي التثقيف الصحي

Get one-on-one help with learning physical activity recommendations and getting started.  Call 502-772-8588 or email [email protected].

Zumba class

Have fun and get in shape!  Beginners welcome. Free! Call 502-772-8588, email [email protected]أو انقر على تقويم الأحداث للتسجيل.


يتعلم أكثر

Do full workouts anytime!

Take a 5 minute movement break anytime!

Do gentle chair exercise routines anytime!

معلومات عبر الانترنت