قائمة الطعام



زومبا (شرق برودواي)

FHC-شرق برودواي 834 شرق برودواي، لويزفيل

Have fun and get in shape! Free! Offered Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:00pm - 6:00pm at FHC - East Broadway. Offered Saturdays from 10:00am - 11:00am at FHC - East Broadway. Call 502-772-8588 or email healtheducation@fhclouisville.org for more information.


مجموعة اللعب العائلية (شرق برودواي)

FHC-شرق برودواي 834 شرق برودواي، لويزفيل

For parents and children ages 0 to 5 years old. Learn and have fun with your child through art, music, movement, and more. Free! Offered Saturdays, 12:00pm - 1:00pm, at the FHC - East Broadway. Call 502-772-8588 or email healtheducation@fhclouisville.org for more information.


تم الإلغاء – قل و العب بالكلمات (شرق برودواي)

FHC-شرق برودواي 834 شرق برودواي، لويزفيل

For parents and children, 2 to 32 months old. Talk builds babies' brains! Learn about talking more with your child during normal routines, while out, and during story time. Receive toys and books for participating! Free! Attend every Tuesday, 10/10 to 12/5, from 10:00am - 11:00am. Click here to sign up!  Call 502-569-2980 or email […]


يوغا (شرق برودواي)

FHC-شرق برودواي 834 شرق برودواي، لويزفيل

Relax, stretch, and strengthen your muscles. Free! Offered every Wednesday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at FHC - East Broadway.


مسائل الطبخ (مطبخ DTC)

يجرؤ على العناية بالمطبخ 1200 S. 28th Street, Louisville, KY, United States

Learn about healthy eating, meal-planning on a budget, and more. Participate in cooking demos. FREE! Attend every Thursday, 10/19 to 11/2, from 5:30pm - 7:30pm at the Dare to Care Community Kitchen. Call 502-772-8588 or email healtheducation@fhclouisville.org for more information. Click here to register. *Registration required*


زومبا (شرق برودواي)

FHC-شرق برودواي 834 شرق برودواي، لويزفيل

Have fun and get in shape! Free! Offered Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:00pm - 6:00pm at FHC - East Broadway. Offered Saturdays from 10:00am - 11:00am at FHC - East Broadway. Call 502-772-8588 or email healtheducation@fhclouisville.org for more information.


مجموعة اللعب العائلية (شرق برودواي)

FHC-شرق برودواي 834 شرق برودواي، لويزفيل

For parents and children ages 0 to 5 years old. Learn and have fun with your child through art, music, movement, and more. Free! Offered Saturdays, 12:00pm - 1:00pm, at the FHC - East Broadway. Call 502-772-8588 or email healtheducation@fhclouisville.org for more information.


تم الإلغاء – قل و العب بالكلمات (شرق برودواي)

FHC-شرق برودواي 834 شرق برودواي، لويزفيل

For parents and children, 2 to 32 months old. Talk builds babies' brains! Learn about talking more with your child during normal routines, while out, and during story time. Receive toys and books for participating! Free! Attend every Tuesday, 10/10 to 12/5, from 10:00am - 11:00am. Click here to sign up!  Call 502-569-2980 or email […]


يوغا (شرق برودواي)

FHC-شرق برودواي 834 شرق برودواي، لويزفيل

Relax, stretch, and strengthen your muscles. Free! Offered every Wednesday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at FHC - East Broadway.

وجبات صحية، أنا أكثر صحة (شرق برودواي)

FHC-شرق برودواي 834 شرق برودواي، لويزفيل

Learn about healthy eating, meal-planning on a budget, and more. Earn a slow cooker for attending. Free! Attend Tuesday, 9/19, from 10:00am - 11:30am at FHC - Portland. Click here to register for class at FHC - Portland. Attend Thursday, 11/9, from 10:00am - 11:30am at FHC - East Broadway. Click here to register for class at […]