قائمة الطعام

Mrs. Jennifer Kurk, RDH

تقديم خدمات
  • خدمات طب الأسنان

2215 Portland Ave.
لويزفيل ، كنتاكي 40212

عرض بوابة المريض
رسم توضيحي باللون الأرجواني لطبيبة


I am a preceptor for the University of Louisville Dental Hygiene Program and enjoy training students on their AHEC rotations. I am a past member of the University of Louisville Dental Hygiene Board. I am currently a member of the FHC Infection Control Committee and train FHC staff on instrument sterilization best practices.


Bachelor of Science, University of Louisville 2005

Associate of Health Science in Dental Hygiene, University of Louisville 2003

Board Certified in Kentucky (Active) and Indiana (Retired)

Block and Infiltration Anesthesia and Nitrous Oxide Analgesia Certified 2004

General Supervision Certification 2005

Public Health Registered Dental Hygienist 2013