
Ms. Jackline Coyle, RDH

Usluge pružene
  • Stomatološke usluge

2215 Portland Ave.
Louisville, KY 40212

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Jackline Coyle headshot


I am originally from Brazil. I have been in the States for 20 years. I graduated with a bachelor degree in Dental Hygiene from the University of Louisville school of Dentistry in 2011. I have been with Family Health Centers for 10 years. I am also a certified Spanish and Portuguese interpreter.

I have a 17 year old son, I also have 2 dogs. I love dogs, coffee and Yoga. I am very involved in the community and often I volunteer on free clinics to help the underserved. I am also very involved in the Latin community. My profession allows me not only to help patients to provide dental education and care but also to engage in Public Health, which has a very special place in my heart.


Bachelor degree from University of Louisville School of Dentistry. Graduated 2011

Bridging the gap Catholic Charities certified medical/ dental interpreter ( Portuguese and Spanish)

Associate degree of Arts from Jefferson Community College.

Dental assisting certification prior to dental school.