


Cooking Matters (East Broadway)

FHC-East Broadway 834 East Broadway, Louisville

Learn about healthy eating, meal-planning on a budget, and more. Participate in cooking demos. Get a cookbook and groceries. Free! Attend every Tuesday, 4/23 to 5/28, from 10:00am - 12:00pm at FHC - East Broadway. Click here to register.  Call 502-772-8588 or email for more information.


La cuisine, c'est important (Dare to Care Kitchen)

Osez prendre soin de la cuisine 1200 S. 28th Street, Louisville, KY, United States

Apprenez à manger sainement, à planifier vos repas en respectant votre budget, et bien plus encore. Participez à des démonstrations de cuisine. Obtenir un livre de cuisine et des provisions. Gratuit ! Participez tous les mardis, du 28 mai au 2 juillet, de 18 h à 20 h, à la cuisine communautaire Dare to Care. Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire. Appelez le 502-772-8588 ou envoyez un courriel à pour plus d'informations.

CANCELLED – Zumba (East Broadway)

FHC-East Broadway 834 East Broadway, Louisville

Have fun and get in shape! Free! Offered Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:00pm - 6:00pm at FHC - East Broadway. Offered Saturdays from 10:00am - 11:00am at FHC - East Broadway. Call 502-772-8588 or email for more information

Des repas plus sains, plus sain pour moi (East Broadway)

FHC-East Broadway 834 East Broadway, Louisville

Learn about healthy eating, meal-planning on a budget, and more. Get a slow cooker. Free! Attend Thursday, 5/30, from 10:00am - 11:30am at FHC - East Broadway. Click here to register. Call 502-772-8588 or email for more information.

CANCELLED – Zumba (East Broadway)

FHC-East Broadway 834 East Broadway, Louisville

Have fun and get in shape! Free! Offered Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:00pm - 6:00pm at FHC - East Broadway. Offered Saturdays from 10:00am - 11:00am at FHC - East Broadway. Call 502-772-8588 or email for more information


New Mama Chat (Online)

Learn about breastfeeding and get help with breastfeeding issues from our Certified Lactation Consultants. Meet and get support from other breastfeeding moms. Free! New Mama Chat is offered from 12:30 - 1:30 on the dates below: January 26 February 23 March 29 Aril 26 May 31 Click her to register. Once you complete the registration […]


Zumba (East Broadway)

FHC-East Broadway 834 East Broadway, Louisville

Amuse-toi et mets-toi en forme ! Gratuit ! Offert les mercredis et jeudis de 17 h à 18 h au FHC - East Broadway. Les samedis de 10h00 à 11h00 au FHC - East Broadway. Appelez le 502-772-8588 ou envoyez un courriel à pour plus d'informations.


Groupe de jeu familial (East Broadway)

FHC-East Broadway 834 East Broadway, Louisville

For parents and children 0 to 5 years old. Learn and have fun with your child through art, music, movement and more! Free! Offered Saturdays, 12:00pm - 1:00pm. Call 502-772-8588 or email for more information.


La cuisine, c'est important (Dare to Care Kitchen)

Osez prendre soin de la cuisine 1200 S. 28th Street, Louisville, KY, United States

Apprenez à manger sainement, à planifier vos repas en respectant votre budget, et bien plus encore. Participez à des démonstrations de cuisine. Obtenir un livre de cuisine et des provisions. Gratuit ! Participez tous les mardis, du 28 mai au 2 juillet, de 18 h à 20 h, à la cuisine communautaire Dare to Care. Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire. Appelez le 502-772-8588 ou envoyez un courriel à pour plus d'informations.


Zumba (East Broadway)

FHC-East Broadway 834 East Broadway, Louisville

Amuse-toi et mets-toi en forme ! Gratuit ! Offert les mercredis et jeudis de 17 h à 18 h au FHC - East Broadway. Les samedis de 10h00 à 11h00 au FHC - East Broadway. Appelez le 502-772-8588 ou envoyez un courriel à pour plus d'informations.