
Façons de soutenir

Depuis 1976, les centres de santé familiale se consacrent à fournir des soins médicaux de haute qualité, quelle que soit la capacité de payer d'une personne. Au fil des ans, nous avons grandi pour aider plus de familles, pour être dans différents quartiers et pour ajouter des services pour répondre aux besoins de notre communauté. Des programmes supplémentaires tels que Tendre la main et lire, Médecins et avocat pour enfants, Services linguistiques, cours d'éducation à la santé, et agents de santé communautaires sont des ressources précieuses pour nos patientss et la communauté. Les dons à FHC aident à soutenir des programmes et des services qui ne sont pas financés par des subventions ou non remboursés par health insurance. As a non-profit organization, donations to the Family Health Centers are tax deductible.

Campagne d'investissement Americana

Housed on the campus of the Americana World Community Center, FHC-Americana is home to our Refugee and Immigrant Health Services program.  FHC provides Refugee Health Assessments for Louisville’s newly arrived refugees and serves as the ongoing medical home for many of Louisville’s newcomers. Providing an  adequate and efficient operating space for the health center is vital in light of the increased number of immigrants and refugees seeking to make Louisville their homes. For many, an appointment at FHC-Americana is their entry into healthcare in the United States, so having a trauma-informed, safe and comfortable experience is essential. FHC-Americana’s clinical space is currently housed in two-modular units placed together of the back parking lot of the Community Center. This building is a little over 3,000 square feet, with up to 20 staff members.

The building was always intended to be a temporary measure until a more permanent option would be available. However, 16 years later, the modular building is a worn and cramped space, unwelcoming to staff and patients alike. The team members at Family Health Centers-Americana are well trained and experienced in providing the culturally effective and linguistically appropriate health and mental health care needed by Louisville’s newcomers. The work space should reflect their expertise and care. Despite space constraints, FHC-Americana provided 726 Refugee Health Assessments in Fiscal Year 2023, so imagine what they could do to help support our rapidly growing immigrant community in an updated and efficient space.

Help build the dream. Donate now! 


Soutenez nos clients sans-abri

The FHC-Phoenix Housing program, we help place the most vulnerable in our community into permanent, supportive housing. When FHC is able to place someone in this program, we purchase everything someone might need to begin their new home; bed, furniture, linens, kitchen supplies, and more. With a donation to this campaign, you help make a new home. 

Faire un don

Donner des articles aux survivants des services de torture

Soutenez nos pratiques de guérison tenant compte des traumatismes en faisant un don de cartes-cadeaux d'épicerie ou de fournitures thérapeutiques. Les dons soutiennent les clients qui reçoivent des soins aux Services aux survivants de la torture. 

Faites don d'articles de notre Liste de souhaits d'Amazon ou appelez le (502) 772-8891 pour faire un don directement au programme des services aux survivants de la torture. 

Si vous envisagez un cadeau ou un don de fournitures aux centres de santé familiale, veuillez contacter le Dr Bart Irwin, directeur général, au