The new Family Health Centers Americana will have eight exams rooms, dedicated spaces for Refugee Health Screenings and for immunizations. The current building has just four exams rooms, which limits the number of staff who can physically work in the building.
Refugee Health Screenings
Increasing the physical capacity will allow Family Health Centers – Americana to conduct more Refugee Health Screenings. Currently, FHC-Americana is screening up to 27 new Refugee clients each week under the two-visit Refugee Health Assessment (RHA) model (Labs and Nursing Visit followed one week later by a Provider Visit and Physical Exam). This allows for FHC to accommodate approximate 100 individuals per month, and 1,200 per year – far less than the needs presented by the over 9,800 RHA-eligible clients who arrived to Louisville in fiscal year 2023.
Adult Refugee Immunizations
Since January 2020, FHC has collaborated with the Kentucky Office for Refugees to provide adult immunizations that are required for immigration purposes to refugee-eligible clients. Currently, these vaccines are initiated during the RHA visits at FHC – Americana and can be completed during limited monthly Vaccine Clinics held on Saturday mornings. Often, other community primary care providers do not carry these vaccines nor are they always covered by standard health insurance. Refugee clients may receive them free of cost through this partnership with FHC within their first full year in the United States. This Americana renovation would offer additional space to provide clients with their adult vaccines during regular operating hours, and would allow for the program to grow, potentially providing Adjustment of Status vaccines to folks with other immigration statuses, as well.
Primary Care Services
We dream of being able to offer ongoing medical services to any client who has their RHA at FHC-Americana who would like to stay, but with our current space and staffing limitations, we oftentimes are unable to get them all back in for timely follow-up or urgent care needs. Similarly, it is hard for other newcomers or residents in the areas surrounding Americana to get established with us due to a lack of New Patient appointment availability. With the Americana renovation, we will be able to use the additional exam rooms to allow for more medical providers to work each day, expanding our capacity for Primary Care Services.
[1] Refugee Resettlement in Louisville, Quarterly Community Consultation, December 2023