

घटनाहरू लोड गर्दै

सबै घटनाहरू

Cooking Matters (Dare to Care Kitchen)

मे 20 @ 5:30 अपराह्न - ७:३० अपराह्न

|Recurring घटना (See all)

An event every week that begins at 5:30 pm on मंगलवार, happening 6 times

Join us every Tuesday from May 13th to June 17th, 2025, for a FREE series on healthy eating and budget-friendly meal planning! Learn valuable tips for nutritious meals, enjoy interactive cooking demos, and take home delicious food to try new recipes. It’s all about eating well on a budget—don’t miss out!

Attend every Tuesday, 5/13 to 6/17, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. Click here to register!

502-772-8588 वा इमेलमा कल गर्नुहोस् healtheducation@fhclouisville.org थप जानकारीको लागि।


मे 20
5:30 अपराह्न - 7:30 अपराह्न
घटना कोटिहरू:
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केयर किचन गर्ने हिम्मत
1200 S. 28 औं स्ट्रीट
लुइसभिल, KY 40211 संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
+ गुगल नक्सा