
ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀ ਸਿੱਖਣ ਦੇ ਮੌਕੇ

Family Health Centers supports the training and education of our future health professionals through learning opportunities, internships and clinical rotations.

A group of people standing together smiling

Clinical Rotations

Family Health Centers works with universities and programs across the country to provide clinical training. The Northwest Area Health Education Center (AHEC) facilitates clinical rotations for health professional students in health care facilities that are located in medically underserved communities, such as the Family Health Centers. The Northwest AHEC office is co-located at FHC-Portland which helps to link students with FHC preceptors, orient them to FHC and our work.

Northwest AHEC

Graduate or Doctoral Student Opportunities

Students pursuing Master’s and Doctoral level degrees wanting to conduct thesis-level research and service learning projects should contact Dr. Bart Irwin, birwin@fhclouisville.org.

Pharmacy Students or PharmD Graduates

Pharmacy students and recent graduates of Doctor of Pharmacy programs can contact Michael Lin, Pharmacy Director at mlin@fhclouisville.org to learn more about working with Family Health Centers’ 340b pharmacy program.

Pharmacy Services

Health Care Administration and Health Information Technology Students

Students pursuing their AA or BA in Health Care Administration and AS or BS in Health Information Technology can gain valuable experience working with FHC. These learning opportunities are ongoing and vary by FHC projects. Please contact Carlyn Williams, Health Information Management Supervisor, chwilliams@fhclouisville.org.