Ноябрь 21, 2022

Help Make A Home this Holiday Season

Press Release

GoFundMe Donation Drive is a Holiday Gift from the Heart for Those in Need

Family Health Centers’ Phoenix Health Care for the Homeless location at 712 East Muhammad Ali Boulevard is committed to eliminating homelessness, one person at a time. The facility provides Permanent Supportive Housing to 150 formerly homeless individuals, many of whom moved directly from the streets into their apartments.

Each year its needs become more significant as the number of individuals in the Phoenix housing program continues to grow, and FHC relies on donors from the public sector to best serve its clients. For this holiday 2022 season, when so many are in need, Family Health Centers has created a GoFundMe campaign, ‘Help Make a Home,’ with a donation goal of $5,000. Donations to Phoenix’s ‘Help Make a Home’ campaign will support purchasing essential home goods for persons who are homeless or in shelters.

Melissa Noyes Mather, MPH, and FHC Chief Communications Officer, explained, “These donations provide essential items for those at our Phoenix location to begin an important new chapter in their lives, in a home that the public is helping to create by way of donations. The end goal of this initiative is to help improve the housing situation by purchasing furniture, cookware, linens, and all the things one needs to start a new chapter in their life.”

For more about the ‘Help Make a Home’ initiative, its progress to date, and how you can help, please visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/helpmakeahomelouisville today.

ABOUT FAMILY HEALTH CENTERS, INC.: Family Health Centers, Inc. (FHC) is a not-for-profit, federally qualified health center that provides access to high-quality primary and preventive health care services regardless of the ability to pay.  Established in 1976, the Family Health Centers provides services to more than 40,000 individuals annually through a network of seven health center locations throughout Louisville Metro. Family Health Centers operates its leading clinical and administrative site in the Portland neighborhood of Louisville and seven satellite health centers in medically underserved areas of the city and county.  Two sites serve special populations: The Family Health Centers – Phoenix is a federal Health Care for the Homeless grantee, providing various clinical, psychiatric, and social services to the region’s homeless.  The Family Health Centers – Americana houses a Refugee Health Program and serves a culturally diverse population of immigrants and refugees.   Learn more at www.fhclouisville.org.