
Консультационные услуги


Your mental health is important to your health and happiness.  When stress or anxiety about family, finances, work, or other causes starts to take over, it can have a negative impact on your health.  Family Health Centers offers Counseling Services to help find solutions to these issues. Our counselors work with you and your medical provider to evaluate your mental health needs and develop a plan of action.

These services can help you with:

  • Anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns
  • Alcohol or drug abuse or misuse
  • Medicated Assisted Treatment for alcohol or opiates
  • Psychiatric medication management
  • Stress related to health conditions or other issues
  • Grief and loss issues from a death of a loved one, loss of home or job, etc.
  • Quitting smoking
  • Weight management
  • Physical activity and other related issues
  • Case management
a man in a blue shirt

If you have concerns about your mental health or issues going on in your life, call (502) 772-8370 to make an appointment.


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