Thực đơn

Vui chơi và Học tập cho Gia đình


You are your child’s most important teacher! Try these programs, videos, and other resources to learn and have fun with your child through stories, art, music, movement, and more!

Chương trình có sẵn

Say and Play With Words class

For families with children ages 2 to 32 months.  Talk builds your baby’s brain!  Learn about talking more with your child during normal routines, while out, and during story time.  Use a “talk pedometer” to find out the number of words your child hears each day.  Receive toys, books, and gift cards!  Free! Call 502-772-8588, email healtheducation@fhclouisville.orghoặc nhấp vào Lịch sự kiện để đăng ký.

Family Playgroup

For families with children ages 0 to 5 years.  Learn and have fun with your child through stories, art, music, movement, and more!  Free! Call 502-772-8588, email healtheducation@fhclouisville.orghoặc nhấp vào Lịch sự kiện để đăng ký.


Watch and follow along with your child for a fun playtime!

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