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Mindfulness for Beginners (East Broadway)

Tháng hai 18 @ 5:30 chiều - 6:30 chiều

Practicing mindfulness increases relaxation, relieves stress, reduces anxiety, and bolsters self-esteem. This series introduces mindfulness as a tool to navigate the complex, delightful, and sometimes overwhelming responsibilities of balancing life. Learn insights and techniques to build your own meditation practice, to discover your interior stillness, and to learn positive coping skills rooted in kindness and compassion.

Attend every Tuesday, 2/11 to 3/11, from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. Click here to register!

Gọi 502-772-8588 hoặc email để biết thêm thông tin.

Chi tiết

Ngày tháng:
Tháng hai 18
Thời gian:
5:30 chiều - 6:30 chiều
Biến cố Categories:

Hội họp

FHC-East Broadway
834 Đường Broadway phía Đông
Louisville, 40204
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