


家庭健康中心的工作人员可以帮助您通过 kynec、肯塔基州福利系统申请免费或低成本的健康保险,或者回答您关于获得或保留健康保险的问题。这是一项免费服务,社区中的任何人都可以使用。

Call (502) 772-8182 for an appointment with a Kynector or complete the online appointment request below.

Bring to Your Appointment

In order to complete your health insurance applications at your appointment, please bring the following:

  • Picture ID
  • Proof of income for all household members (ex. Last 2 months of pay stubs, most recent tax return, Social Security award letter, etc.)
  • Social Security cards for any household members who need coverage*
  • Immigration documents for any household members who need coverage*

*Household members who do not want coverage do not have to provide their Social Security card or immigration documents.