FHC-东百老汇 834 East Broadway,LouisvilleRelax, stretch, and strengthen your muscles. Free! Offered every Wednesday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at FHC - East Broadway.
Relax, stretch, and strengthen your muscles. Free! Offered every Wednesday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at FHC - East Broadway.
玩得开心,锻炼身体!免费!每周三和周四下午5:00 - 6:00在FHC - East Broadway提供服务。周六上午10:00 - 11:00在FHC - East Broadway提供。请致电502-772-8588或发送电子邮件至 healtheducation@fhclouisville.org 了解更多信息。
面向 0 至 5 岁的父母和儿童。与孩子一起通过艺术、音乐、运动等方式学习并享受乐趣。免费!每周六中午 12:00 - 下午 1:00,地点:东百老汇 FHC。详情请致电 502-772-8588 或发送电子邮件至 healtheducation@fhclouisville.org。
For parents and children, 2 to 32 months old. Talk builds babies' brains! Learn about talking more with your child during normal routines, while out, and during story time. Receive toys and books for participating! Free! Attend every Tuesday, 10/10 to 12/5, from 10:00am - 11:00am. Click here to sign up! Call 502-569-2980 or email […]
Relax, stretch, and strengthen your muscles. Free! Offered every Wednesday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at FHC - East Broadway.
了解健康饮食、预算内膳食规划等知识。参加烹饪演示。免费!10/19 至 11/2 每周四下午 5:30 至 7:30,在 "敢于关怀 "社区厨房(Dare to Care Community Kitchen)参加。如需了解更多信息,请致电 502-772-8588 或发送电子邮件至 healtheducation@fhclouisville.org。单击此处注册。*需要注册
玩得开心,锻炼身体!免费!每周三和周四下午5:00 - 6:00在FHC - East Broadway提供服务。周六上午10:00 - 11:00在FHC - East Broadway提供。请致电502-772-8588或发送电子邮件至 healtheducation@fhclouisville.org 了解更多信息。
面向 0 至 5 岁的父母和儿童。与孩子一起通过艺术、音乐、运动等方式学习并享受乐趣。免费!每周六中午 12:00 - 下午 1:00,地点:东百老汇 FHC。详情请致电 502-772-8588 或发送电子邮件至 healtheducation@fhclouisville.org。
For parents and children, 2 to 32 months old. Talk builds babies' brains! Learn about talking more with your child during normal routines, while out, and during story time. Receive toys and books for participating! Free! Attend every Tuesday, 10/10 to 12/5, from 10:00am - 11:00am. Click here to sign up! Call 502-569-2980 or email […]
Relax, stretch, and strengthen your muscles. Free! Offered every Wednesday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at FHC - East Broadway.
了解健康饮食、预算内膳食规划等知识。参加烹饪演示。免费!10/19 至 11/2 每周四下午 5:30 至 7:30,在 "敢于关怀 "社区厨房(Dare to Care Community Kitchen)参加。如需了解更多信息,请致电 502-772-8588 或发送电子邮件至 healtheducation@fhclouisville.org。单击此处注册。*需要注册